Trouble at the well

Long ago and far away, a young boy carried a heavy load from the market, there, his father traded vegetables for meat, and other family necessities.
“Mind you go straight home now,” his father commanded, “and don’t go near the well.”
However, the day being hot and dusty, the boy ignored his father’s instruction, a cool drink at the village well was all he could think of.
Surrounding the well were a number of drinking troughs for the animals, some of which were being filled by people who owned cattle and camels.
Looking around, the boy saw a very dry trough at which stood a solitary camel, looking most thirsty.
Drawing the bucket out of the well, the boy cupped and drank the cool refreshing water.
“I see you are carrying a heavy load,” came a nearby voice, it was the camel.
“Yes,” answered the boy, “and I am still a long way from home.”
“I will make a deal with you, if you like,” offered the camel, “if you will draw water from the well for me, I will carry your load home for you, when I am finished.”
The boy thought this was a fine trade, and quickly lowered the bucket into the well, drew it out, and poured the water into the trough.
“Thank you,” replied the camel, and quickly drank all the water. “I’m still thirsty,” the camel said to the boy, “could I have some more water please?”
Again, the boy lowered the bucket, hauled it to the top of the well and poured it into the trough.
“Thank you again,” said the camel, and in almost no time at all, the water was gone.
“One more please,” the camel asked, and now, the boy looking at the empty trough, took the bucket, lowered it into the well and now, a little slower, drew out the water and poured it out for the camel.
“Will you be done soon?” the boy asked, “I have to get home.”
“Not long I hope,” replied the camel, who had already drunk all the water the boy had poured into the trough.
They looked at each other, the boy knew the camel would keep drinking, and if he did not get the goods home soon, he would be punished.
“Will you take my load home now?” the boy asked hopefully.
“I’m not quite done yet,” replied the camel, “could I have some more please?”
“One more and that is all!” the boy was cross at the camel for drinking so much.
“But that is not our agreement,” replied the camel.
At last, after the next bucket of water was dragged from the well, the boy was exhausted.
“I can’t lift anymore,” he said to the camel.
“Then we don’t have a deal do we,” counselled the camel.
Sadly, the boy knew he had to go home, and the camel was not ready to leave.
It was getting dark, and with one last look at that thirsty camel, he picked up his load and trudged off home, where he would face his father’s anger.